But why not focus on the RBE model entirely? That’s a true new direction.
How’s infinite growth socialism any better? None of the mainstream economic flavors uses the planetary resources as their true economy and utilizes modern technology to monitor its usage and regeneration properties. Or uses science as the means to arrive at decisions. All the isms are quite similar to each other if you ask me. The difference is just the degree in which the government controls the market.
I see an increase of RBE-like solutions getting mainstream. Mainly in capitalist countries. Again, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, I’m not saying that’s a capitalist trait. These countries simply have the financial means and buffer to take on these projects and risk. Combined with the pillars that create a modern free society such as free press, strong laws against corruption, independent justice system, freedom of speech and a strong and active democracy.
Just a few examples:
There are more things like this posted on this forum. But let me be clear, I’m not rooting here for capitalism. I just bring up these examples because I think we should ride the wave that’s bringing us the fastest towards an RBE. When I look at all the nations in the world, I would say the Western and Nordic European countries are the most likely places where people will experiment with RBE-like solutions. I don’t think we should get distracted with other economic flavors. They have been tried in the previous century and didn’t turn out to be a success. We don’t have much time left. The next decade decides if we make or break our planet, basically.
I see us moving towards the right track. I would say, let’s focus on our local area and see what opportunities there are to spread our Train of Thought.