About the Activism category

Help to spread the Zeitgeist train of thought by becoming an activist in your local area and online.

While the term Activism is correct by its exact meaning, TZM’s awareness work should not be misconstrued as relating to culturally common, traditional “activist protest” actions such as we have seen historically. Rather, TZM expresses itself through targeted, rational educational Projects that work not to impose, dictate or blindly persuade, but to set in motion a Train of Thought that is logically self-realizing when the causal consideration of “sustainability” and “public health” are referenced from a scientific perspective.

However, TZM’s pursuit is still very similar to traditional civil rights movements of the past in that the observations reveal the truly unnecessary oppression inherent in our current social order, which structurally and sociologically restricts human well-being and potential for the vast majority of the world’s population, not to mention stifles broad improvement in general due to its established methods.