Are you our new intern on social innovations for sustainability transitions in the EU?

DRIFT is looking for a research intern interested in supporting our work in the new EU project SHARED GREEN DEAL. Are you interested in exploring existing innovations in energy, circular economy, renovations, mobility, food, and biodiversity across Europe? Do you want to support us in understanding how these innovations might contribute to achieving the EU Green Deal? Are you interested in working in an institute that navigates between academia and practice? Join the SHARED GREEN DEAL team under supervision of our experts!
In the words of the European commission, the Green Deal is a 1.8 trillion euro policy plan that “will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring: no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, economic growth decoupled from resource use and no person and no place left behind.”
The SHARED GREEN DEAL project aims to contribute to the EU Green Deal by accelerating changes in societal practices. At the core of this project are 24 experiments with innovative practices in six priority topics:

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