Creation of new forum groups (for e.g. chapters or teams)

Here on this forum we can use group names to notify or contact chapters, teams, etc. If e.g. your chapter or team doesn’t have a group yet then you can request one in this thread.

The following details are needed to request a new group:

  • What is the group description?
    • Mention details like if this is a chapter (local, regional or national group of people), meta chapter (inter-chapter group based on e.g. a common language like hispanic) or a team (inter-chapter special interest group that covers a certain skill or subject, like IT or multimedia), . We will use the following convention for e.g. a chapter: chapter_amsterdam for a chapter in the city Amsterdam.
    • If the requests concerns a chapter, project or team, you will also get a forum tag assigned such as nl for @chapter_netherlands. These tags may be used to group posts by locality. This will assist with maintaining an overview and also configure notifications for activities in a geographical area. The tags use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.
    • Provide a URL to a forum post or a website/social-media page where people can learn more about your group.
  • Do the members share a common domain? E.g. people that sign-up on this forum with the domain are automatically added to the group @chapter_netherlands. We can set this up for you as well.
  • Do you want this group to be public?
  • Do you want people to be able to tag your group? When this happens all members of the group are notified.
  • Do you want anyone able to join this group without confirmation?
    • If not, who needs to be the owner of the group that will be responsible for managing it?

All existing groups are listed here and the tags here.