We are hiring people to kickstart the Transition in their town/city. We will pay you 350$ and walk you though the process to get 100 people in your area to join sharebay.org and make an offer.
Reply if you are interested.
This looks a bit like a scam, can you tell us some more about this? It’s by the way against the terms of service to use this platform for commercial stuff or donations.
Not a scam at all. We are a registered non-profit. Prosocialise.org
We are looking for help kickstarting altruistic networks around the world.
If someone is interested we will organize a meeting to talk about how we will do it. It will most likely involve a combination the person interested inviting all their friends and contacts plus a bit more reaching out to communities in their city.
This is not comercial nor is it a donation. If people would like to work with us for free, that would be great but we are willing to give them 350$ if they don’t want to provide their time as a volunteer. We don’t have the funding to do many. For now we will start with one person.
BTW, why does it look a bit like a scam?
Because your first post here is one that objectively looks like a scam. This is what people in general get in their spam inbox. And because an account from @Mark_E_Prosocialize already exists.
It’s just better to make a Universal Basic Needs programme that is granted by a economy you can trust. I do not trust Sharebay.
The Universal Basic Needs (UBN) programme is a global initiative that provides free access to essential services such as food, water, healthcare, education, transportation, electricity, communication, and housing. Its main goal is to eliminate poverty and the need to work to live, create a qualified workforce and make resources accessible to everyone, regardless of income or employment status.
que interesante la plataforma, me recuerda a las gratiferias, una pena que el TZM y TVP no tengan integrada en su plataforma nada similar. Gratiferia – Gratiferia El fenómeno de las gratiferias desde adentro: conocé de qué se trata esta actividad que surgió en Argentina y llegó a Europa