I'm aware that in the venus project, ownership doesn't exist and you only borrow it. Let's say you want access to a video game and it end up being your favorite would there be membership deals for how long you can have it or some type of lease deal before you return it?
Ownership still exists, if you want to hord stuff, go ahead. But why would you if life is just so much easier to use stuff when you need it? Ownership is obsolete in an RBE. But not illegal. Socially it might be frowned upon though
I saw this on the open access fb group colin r turner posted. It's a point system but without money and you only earn then through good deeds and contribution. This seems pretty inevitable in a money-free world but I don't know how it would work out in the venus project, seems better in a OAE.
What would be the point of a point system?
Ok you just gonna make fun of me and not answer my questions? Is there anybody in this forum that's not a complete egotist?!
I suppose you don't appreciate jokes. But my question still stands. What's the point of a point system? What does it solve? Why is it needed?
You act like point systems and transactions are a bad thing when it's measurement for good deeds and resources allocation.
Im sorry where was the punchline???
But why is that, exactly? In a system where things are made strategic available? It's like outgrowing scarcity, but still want to have some sort of keeping score and thing it to trade? The point of an RBE is to outgrow it
To clarify, resources are not distributed based on markets and purchasing power, but instead, to each according to their need (which is also present in the concept of communism, in its ideal form (which never existed in reality as whole), defined as a classless, moneyless and stateless society, where the means of production are collectively owned, and where resources are distributed "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need").
As for ownership, personal ownership does exist, private ownership (which is what ownership is defined as in theory) does not. The resources you personally need belong to you (but you cannot profiteer from those resources, since it's personal and not private), and the resources everyone else needs belongs to the collective (everyone).
One way we distribute resources based on need is via a computer system which decides what places need how much resources, and what places it is rather better to redistribute or reduce production, in a way that would satisfy everyone's need and produce little to no waste.
Thanks for your clear explanation .
To clarify, resources are not distributed based on markets and purchasing power, but instead, to each according to their need (which is also present in the concept of communism, in its ideal form (which never existed in reality as whole), defined as a classless, moneyless and stateless society, where the means of production are collectively owned, and where resources are distributed "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need").
To clarify, resources are not distributed based on markets and purchasing power, but instead, to each according to their need (which is also present in the concept of communism, in its ideal form (which never existed in reality as whole), defined as a classless, moneyless and stateless society, where the means of production are collectively owned, and where resources are distributed "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need").
i wouldn't use communism as a reference point to explain a new concept. it taints it since, as you mention as well, communism never materialized. in fact, it was quite a disaster with corrupt politicians/dictators taking control of resource management with millions people dying. that's not the best introduction to a resource based economy also because an RBE fundamentally is different, which we discussed already many times