Nuevo Meta-Capítulo Hispanoparlante

¡Bienvenidos! Tenemos el gusto de presentarles el nuevo sitio web del Movimiento Zeitgeist en Español y la conformación del Meta-Capitulo Hispano Parlante. ¿Qué significa Meta-Capítulo? El prefijo meta es usado para indicar un concepto que es una abstracción a partir de otro concepto Leer más

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

hola alguien por alli? algun Zine debate para compartir mate y pochoclo?

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Maybe you can message some of the chapters directly? I hope some people are still active and willing to meetup.

I already wrote to you privately on Discord. Anyway, we talked a while ago about the possibility of you joining the Meta-Chapter, and of course you can still do it whenever you want, since you are an old member who already understands what it is about.

Ya te escribí por privado en Discord. De todas maneras ya hace tiempo hablamos sobre la posibilidad de que te unas al Meta-Capítulo, y por supuesto todavía puedes hacerlo cuando quieras, ya que eres un miembro antiguo que ya entiende de qué se trata.

Fxtronic is a long time member and already knew how to contact us. For that reason I didn’t quite understand the reason for the post and I didn’t reply before.

As I’ve mentioned here, we’ve tried a different form of organization, with local event teams fulfilling some of the functions of the old chapters.

For that reason, redirecting people to the supposed chapters (which do not exist at this time, at least under that name), would generate new “islands”, which is what we try to avoid.