“Unravelling the Fabric of Fear” is an open collaboration free publication that condenses a thorough and holistic understanding of modern human psychosocial behavior into just 15 fun filled pages.
Aligned with TZM values, and with heavy reference to Peter Joseph’s “The New Human Rights Movement”, this thought provoking publication is planned to eventually be converted to many media formats - animation/video series, audiobook, podcast, etc.
Please feel free to contribute and join the psychology fun!
If we want to change our economy, we’ll need to start with a thorough understanding of ourselves and the reconditioned mindset needed as a rock solid foundation moving forward.
Welcome to the forum! Looks like you want to publish this work someday? You may then want to consider using Overleaf which gives you LaTeX. It’s more hassle, but it will give you a beautiful document. And, Overleaf is open-source.
It is published online for free and will remain open-collaboration and open-source for ever. It’s on google docs right now as anyone can view and suggest (google account or not). Is that also the case with Overleaf?
Yes, but some features require a “pro” subscription. But if you host Overleaf yourself all features are unlocked such as the ones you name here. But if you don’t plan to publish this in a book/journal format then Google Docs is indeed fine. The URL I shared about Overleaf covers all features and benefits.
Google Docs is not a safe place to store any data, including this publication, for multiple reasons, so I archived the main content by making a portal.