Person with average salary can afford just 1 percent of homes in the Netherlands

One admin question, you seem to have 2 accounts, which one do you prefer? Then I’ll merge them and you’ll just keep one.

You seem to really want the title of this topic to be false. That’s not the case. Please read the article, not just the headline. The housing crisis in nl is real and as dire as described in that article. No statistic is absolute for a whole country. Ask any Dutch person you know with an average salary how many options they have. I have an above average salary, I had to overbid a home by 60K to get one. While the asking price was already high. But with an average salary there is basically no way to get a home. Many people in their 20s and 30s are still living with their parents. This article is not dramatizing it. But the stats are indeed dramatic, but that doesn’t make it fake news.

This forum is in part about problems and solutions in the context of the Zeitgeist train of thought. The tag culture_in_decline is to show how we fail as a society. Showing the problems, shows the urgency to change. Of which we have plenty of topics as well. Maybe read some more topics and become familiar with TZM. I think we already had a discussion before about trade. I see no need to start it again :slight_smile:

I also wrote a blog about this problem, and many others, with a conclusion on how to do things differently. It’s also posted in Reports.

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