Recent forum changes

In case you missed it, we now also have a new topic filter called “Hot”.

Yesterday I updated some packages on the container host and after that the Discourse instance was not functioning reliable. A reboot solved this. So if you experienced issues since yesterday, those are solved now.

I hope to transition from Debian to openSUSE MicroOS, but the VPS currently does not offer this distribution. MicroOS offers a more robust system and is also focused on container workflows.

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Installed a new update again, the change log is below. :tada:

I’m currently upgrading the server to the latest Debian Stable release. The server might not be fully available in the next 30 minutes.

Edit: It’s done. Can’t wait to move to an immutable container focused OS though. But I guess I have to wait for the VPS provider to catch up on that trend :slight_smile:

Updated the forum to the latest release:

The VPS had some issues and thus the forum was not available.

Updated to the latest release :tada:

Installed another excellent update with awesome new features :tada:

Installed the latest release :tada:

Installed latest version again.

Updated to the latest release.

Updated to the latest release again