You can be like that cat of course. But I don’t expect that to happen in an RBE. In an RBE you’ll be enabled to what motivates you. Freely accessible research centers and open-source will allow you to develop yourself into what you want without the financial pressures we have today. I think that will motivate people to be more productive. I just had a 2 week holiday. In those 2 weeks I did more work than I did when I was working. Because I was able to do what I like. I worked on animations with Blender and did some web development. Both are things I’m not very much familiar with, but it was fun to pursue that knowledge and give back to the community what I learned.
I also think that in an RBE culture it will be frowned upon if you’re not contributing back to society.
of course we all gonna contribute back to society 100x more than what we do now just after a few weeks… but I know that for most of us first few days will be like this, relaxing after a war what would free us forever
Let’s hope we will get to that point
yeah I have full faith that this shit will go, either we will be able to witness it or our next generation will witness it… but let’s give our full efforts to witness it ourselves
It most certainly does kees, we’re all done with this BS.
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