As noted on the TZM global website.
It means that TZM is more stable than ever, more stable than TVP, which is an activist industrial complex.
Yes and no, from my point if view TZM was always a decentralized organization. But for some reason a subgroup evolved into the habit of “official global ZDays”. Organically there were indeed these kind of events, souly because Peter Joseph attended these events. But ever since it continued without PJ. And from my point of view that doesn’t contribute to TZM. Because instead of focussing on local activism, people from other nations organized ZDays across the world. Which also doesn’t contribute to sustainability, plane travel is contributing highly to global warming. But that’s my (unpopular) opinion I’m glad PJ made this decision, because the proces of selecting this “global” event wasn’t transparant either and caused confusion and conflict in the past as wel.
TZM should work locally and develop chapters. But unfortunately that doesn’t happen everywhere or isn’t even promoted anymore on the “official” TZM socials.