Hi Zeitgeist brother and sisters, after covid lockdown for so many months, interstate travel restriction has been lifted recently and now I’m able to travel to commune housing and finalize all the remaining undone work. The house still missing some items and today I just received the vacuum cleaner, microwave and some other stuff will be delivered soon. For the time being, I give some update for featured technology provided by developer. Such as intercom feature, cctv, security monitoring system, it’s feels really high tech & safe living here. The park, chill out area, walking path, jogging track and swimming pool all are located at elevated platform, which means there is no moving vehicle allowed on it, resident also able to walk between those apartment building with elevated bridge, truly feels like city of future & resort style living, because currently I’m living here, anyone interested to visit here is available now,
provide permanently free accommodation to tzm
But we are not off grid, water, electricity, developer fee charged at non-profit model (RM10 per night)
If you stay 6 months or longer, RM10 fee is removed, just pay the actual monthly bill
Accept both international and local members
Demonstration of privately owned property but publicly accessible
Serve as transition project, toward post scarcity society model
Transition project to RBE
Reduce dependency on monetary slave system
Moving from primitive (self-based capitalism) to more civilized/advanced & sharing society
private ownership & need of money will become obsolete once activist starts sharing & created post scarcity world
pickup from airport or bus station is calculated at non profit model as well, Rm0.50 per km, you can check the google map how far is the distance. Cheers
New update, zeitgeist commune housing has received our first bill,
Type : Internet broadband
Billing period : 28 Oct 2021 - 27 Nov 2021 (RM41.1)
Billing period : 28 Nov 2021 - 27 Dec 2021 (RM116.6)
Total paid : RM157.7
Bill is shared & split equally among long term all resident
Update for Zeitgeist Commune Housing Project, Patrick Kludt & Meike Freitag (from Germany) have visited and stayed at our commune housing project. All activities and picture is stored in google drive, you may refer here : UpdateforZeitgeistCommuneHousingProject-Sept2022.pdf - Google Drive Thanks again for being part of the new human rights movement.
Thanks for keeping this thread up-to-date with information!
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