Intro and thread rules - please read before posting
Attention: Until we figure the legal stuff out it’s “Koto-allied” coop. FYI
I find this forum better suited for the purpose than Discord or Koto telegram. Although I’m probably going to duplicate at least some if not all of the content posted here by me. I dedicate this particular thread for a new unit of Koto-type cooperative located in Poland. Since I want to conserve my resources I won’t create yet another colourful web page. You know - less talking, more doing as is TZM 2.0 motto.
I will be posting in English and translate it to Polish in case someone from different country intends to move here and wants to participate in a discussion and/or move into our community from abroad. Feel free to post just in Polish if your level of English writing is poor, but try to avoid that if you can, to be more inclusive.
Please read [](a short guide to collaborative decision-making) before you start contributing. This will make things a lot easier. Avoid just giving “likes”. Rather try and contribute in a meaningful way.
Wstęp i zasady wątku - przeczytaj zanim napiszesz
Uwaga: Zanim rozwiążemy kwestie prawne, nasza kooperatywa jest tylko “sprzymierzona z Koto”!
Uznałem, że to forum nadaje się lepiej dla naszych potrzeb niż Discord, albo główny telegram inicjatywy Koto, choć najprawdopodobniej i tak zduplikuję część postów tam i tutaj.
Dedykuję ten konkretny wątek dla nowej kooperatywy typu Koto zlokalizowanej w Polsce, bo nie ma sensu trwonić środków na kolejną kolorową stronkę, która niczego w temacie nie wniesie. Wiecie - mniej gadania, więcej działania, to nowe motto TZM 2.0.
Jak pewnie zauważyliście wrzucam info w dwóch językach, na wypadek jakby jakiś odważny obcokrajowiec chciał z nami zamieszkać i praktykować RBE w kraju nad Wisłą, albo chociaż pogadać i wymienić doświadczenia. Jeśli nie potraficie w angielski na tyle, żeby składnie pisać, to piszcie po polsku, ale starajcie się, jeśli umiecie, pisać w dwóch językach, żeby być bardziej inkluzywnymi.
Jak umiecie po angielsku, to przeczytajcie sobie [](a short guide to collaborative decision-making) zanim coś napiszecie. To pozwoli nam uniknąć wielu kłopotów i stresów. Jak nie to jest dłuższa książka dla dyplomatów, którą możecie sobie ściągnąć z mojego chomika tutaj pt. “Dochodząc do zgody” tutaj: Dokumenty - Baphometti - Po tej lekturze pogodzicie nawet psa z kotem.
Umowa dżentelmeńska jest taka, że unikamy dawania lajków, bo to nic nie wnosi i świadczy o lenistwie intelektualnym. Zamiast tego wysilamy się trochę i robimy coś konstruktywnego!
Excellent, I will follow this project with interest. Looking forward to see the developments. However, this forum is scoped for the international audience. That translates into the policy that all posts and comments need to be in English. In case you want to discuss topics in your native language we recommend using your chapter’s resources. For @chapter_poland that’s a Facebook group.
The only category that allows posts in a native language is the Reports subcategory, and then mainly for automated posts by @zeit-bot via RSS. This is to accommodate the TZM websites with blogs and such. And it allows us to easily automate the flow of information.
Because this is a project, it’s best to highlight some details such as your background in the context of this project, the timeline you have in mind with time boxed deliverables, resources you already arranged and which you still need, stuff like that. If you would’ve created this topic in the Projects subcategory it would’ve showed you this template as well. Could you please update the topic (first comment here) with these details? That will people to get up to speed Thanks! And good luck with the project
Sure. I needed an anchor now, because I have posted to different channels about it and didn’t want to leave people in absolute limbo in case someone wants to join early. I intend to do the gist of the above by tomorrow evening and in more detail as I have time and retrieve archived data. There’s a lot that happened in this project during the last 9 months of its development, and so I need some time to show how my team have already arrived at certain decisions and digitalize lots of relevant data, so that the rest can participate and feel informed. As for the polish translations - it’s a tricky part.
Because the project is indeed international. We might with some degree of probability have people - especially from Slavic and Baltic countries join our community at least temporarily, and also we have a lot of info to share with Finnish Koto project at the moment. On the other hand TZM-Poland chapter members often lack proper english comprehenshion level sufficient to participate with this kind of project. They won’t come here and I’ll have a mess putting it all together which partially defies the purpose of putting it all here. I mean: discord won’t do, because it’s wall works similar to facebook and facebook is evil beyond imagination and I want to get them off facebook asap. Also I don’t want to make another forum or webpage just for that purpose. When time comes we’ll make something if it’s necessary, but let’s not rush it. Way too many forums and webpages have already been created - not so many coops.
What if those that don’t have proper english writing skills use google translate and then I correct them? Would that work enough?
Thanks for putting it in a proper category though. I don’t yet get them, but I’ll learn in time.
Przekonuję admina, żebyście mogli komentować po polsku, bo mu się to nie do końca podoba. Staram się wytargować tłumaczenia z translatorem google.
It’s of course fine to use Google Translate in case people don’t feel fully comfortable. The only thing we need to prevent is that we’ll create islands here based on language. The forum’s goal is to bridge the international chapters. A common language is key in that But dual language posts (even if it’s just Google Translate) is acceptable when absolutely needed.
I also created the project tag koto so you can group multiple posts/(sub)projects.
Just as a side note, Reddit is quite good as a free of cost hosted forum alternative.
That would work out well enough. Just make a notice that it’s translated with a Google Translate and it might contain mistakes, misunderstandings that can be commented upon.
Also, that you welcome people with other native languages.
1. Translation notice example
This text been translated from Polish language using Google Translate.
Please comment about illogical translation or a mistake.
Translated text: English language
I find this forum better suited for the purpose than Discord or Koto telegram. Although I’m probably going to duplicate at least some if not all of the content posted here by me. I dedicate this particular thread for a new unit of Koto-type cooperative located in Poland. Since I want to conserve my resources I won’t create yet another colourful web page. You know - less talking, more doing as is TZM 2.0 motto.
I will be posting in English and translate it to Polish in case someone from different country intends to move here and wants to participate in a discussion and/or move into our community from abroad. Feel free to post just in Polish if your level of English writing is poor, but try to avoid that if you can, to be more inclusive.
Please read [](a short guide to collaborative decision-making) before you start contributing. This will make things a lot easier. Avoid just giving “likes”. Rather try and contribute in a meaningful way.
Markdown Source code
[details="Translated text: English language"]
This text will be hidden
Press to see English Translation Google Translated text, please comment about mistakes.
This text will be hidden
HTML Source:
## 2. More advanced example with HTML markup
<b>Press to see English Translation</b>
<br><i>Google Translated text, please comment about mistakes.</i>
<p>This text will be hidden</p>
These are only suggestive examples of using well supported HTML 5 details tag.
As Kees mentioned it’s better to have a more common language that is English.
Hi @Bahusson, do you have any project updates for us? By definition a project has an end goal and end date. If this project is too large to give such a time frame and planning it might be good to break it down in smaller sub projects. Then people can also more easily join and see the progress.