Solar and wind power developments

In this thread we can keep track of the solar power developments.

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This is indeed a good idea, much better than placing these panels in a field, which could’ve remained e.g. a forest. We need to place these panels on rooftops as much as possible to conserve land space.

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In 1960 American architect/designer/futurist Buckminster Fuller envisioned building a dome over Manhattan to regulate weather and air pollution. A half-century later, a Danish construction company built a Bucky Fuller-inspired “geodesic” dome in the center of one of Copenhagen’s largest plazas as an experiment in future living: single-family home and mini urban farm included.

A cost of the dome above Manhattan would have been paid back in six years in the energy saving cost of a New York!

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Some thoughs while watching the video

Inspired by c60 molecular structure.
The hexagon is the strongest shape known. Not many people know this but if you want something to hold a lot of weight pick a hexagon. Hexagonal patterns are prevalent in nature due to their efficiency. This structure is found in Diamonds and Graphene.

Polycarbonate, which is transparent material is being used for the shape of the dome. Polycarbonate can be shaded and dimmed if you feel the need for personal privacy. The dome is considered to be like a walls of the average house you see today. The posibilities of redesign inside the dome are vast, and nobody stops you from making the inside of the dome the way you want, with materials you want, even traditional concrete, which you would require less off to simulate the traditional house if you feel the need, and once you get bored of concrete or feel the need to change position in the dome with something less constraining material, it’s always less expensive than regular concrete house as mentioned.

The house dome is made for a single family of around four. (Two adults and two kids)

Inside dome there is self supply of vegetables, that is one more variable in the currently built dome size. Self-sustainanbility and some independece.

The structures built inside dome do not need reinforcement as the dome itself defends against wind, rain and other outside forces. This makes things built inside dome less materially expensive, less resources needed to make things to withstand.

There are actually way more in the video.

Personally, I would like to live in a well designed dome as I do not see any downsides to a regular house.

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This is one more interesting video on the benefits of this kind of system from a different perspective. In this video, water collection and purification is explained and many more interesting things around energy efficient self-sustainable houses, bio-ecological building, and even includes a timelapse.

Needless to say,
I’m totally facinated by the half-underground domes and housing.