Solar and wind power developments

Through physics and our engineering and computational skills, we are converting sunlight to useful energy far more cheaply than anything we can burn. By embracing physics, we are also solving issues regarding these energy sources, such as intermittency, while availing ourselves of their massive advantages – most prominently, their abundance. The Sun provides 10,000 times more energy than is needed by all of humanity, and unlike fossil fuels, solar energy gets cheaper as more is produced. For every doubling in solar energy production, costs fall more than 20 per cent.

In order to actually realise this transition in energy supply, the government regards wind energy generated offshore and on land as playing a key role. Offshore wind farms are important as the wind is at its most powerful there and the wind turbines create the greatest output. By 2023, offshore wind farms will have to be supplying 4,500 megawatts (MW) of power. At present, this stands at 1,000 MW in the Netherlands.

Looks promising, but not much information available. Too good to be true maybe?

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