The-Zeitgeist-Movement-Chat-Bot-Cody: Ask questions about TZM Books

Ask questions about TZM, economy, sustainability and get answers from the books.
The AI chatbot learned from the .pdf content and give answers to questions.

Currently content is included from:

  • Activist Orientation Guide.pdf
  • The_Zeitgeist_Movement_Defined_PDF_Final.pdf


The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression is now available to ask questions about.

For or against

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This tool you created will be of great help to us. :smiley: Anyway, it is always important for each person to check with the sources of the information.

In fact, TZM Defined mentions a “guaranteed” or “unconditional income” system as a political lobbying proposal that has been around for a long time. It is mentioned in a single paragraph within a section that talks about measures that would supposedly be part of a social pressure tactic, but it does not analyze the subject in depth, with its pros, cons and difficulties for its implementation.

It was never an official TZM proposal as such, and there were always many internal discrepancies on the subject. Furthermore, as a Movement seeking holistic solutions, we should not think of a single policy measure as isolated from the rest of the system in which it would be implemented.

Previously, in the same section it says:

So again, it is important to acknowledge that in order to really create a more sustainable, humane world, a complete move out of the current social architecture is required. Otherwise the same basic problems will persist, even if reduced to some degree by half- measures. To do this, global social movement tactics become critical to put pressure on the existing system, along with helping change the intents and values of the culture itself by vast education and communication projects.


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This looks really cool! You made this?

Can you also add the Chapters Guide?

Yes, it is just a webpage with a chat widget that utilizes cody AI which learns from material and provide accurate answers.

The Bot is set to be factual and only uses information from books.

Now added Chapters Guide V2.




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It would be great to include all the transcriptions of TZM Youtube Channel to answer questions like these:

However Cody does not have a way to upload large amount of files at once.
I’ve already contacted and suggested this feature as of now.
All I know is that it won’t happen any time soon.

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